Sweet Auburn Link Vlog Challenge

Historical Attractions Along Auburn Avenue
Volunteer To Lead A Walking Tour!
The Sweet Auburn District is full of history and education representing the African American life that once thrived on Aubrun Ave. Join us in helping others learn about the buildings and businesses that were once there and the ones that are surviving today. Be a volunteer to lead a Sweet Aubrun District walking tour.

APEX Museum 1985 Collection of Life and Heritage, Inc. opens Phase1 of a two phase project to establish a national African-American art and history museum
Atlanta Daily World Founded in 1928 by WA Scott, first Black owned daily newspaper.
Atlanta Life Financial Group Founded in 1905 by Alonzo F. Herndon in the glory days of the Sweet Auburn District. The nations 2nd largest Black owned insurance company with assets of over $202 million. Art gallery open Mon-Fri, 100 Auburn Avenue, 404-659-2100
Atrium On Sweet Auburn located in the Odd Fellows Complex, restored and surpasses it's former splendor , A historical place for memorable occasions 236 Auburn Avenue 404-524-7921
Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture & History 101 Auburn Avenue, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Telephone: 404-730-4001 Fax: 404-730-5879
Big Bethel AME Founded in 1847; Morris Brown College founded in the basement of the original church; a landmark at this site since 1904; played a major role in the civil rights movement; largest AME congregation in Atlanta;
220 Auburn Ave, 404-659-0248
Butler Street CME Atlanta's oldest CME church, founded 1882; the first African American middleweight boxing champ, Tiger Flowers, was a deacon here; features a breakfast ministry Mon-Fri, food pantry for hungry; 23 Butler St, 404-659-8745
Butler Street Y One of the oldest YMCAs, established in 1894 in the basement of Wheat Street Baptist Church Hungry Club Forum Schedule 17 Jesse Hill, Jr., Drive
CENTER FOR CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS The Center will not only commemorate the groundbreaking contributions of Atlantans and Georgians to the historic struggle for African-American freedom and equality, but also serve as a space for ongoing dialogue, study,
and contributions to the resolution of current and future freedom struggles of all people at local, national, and international levels. 404.658.1877
Citizens Trust Bank Founded in 1921; the 7th largest Black owned bank in the nation, still growing through acquisitions. 75 Piedmont Ave, 404-659-5959
David T. Howard National Alumni Association, Inc. A Community Based non-profit federal tax exempt 501 (c) 3 organization. 551 John Wesley Dobbs N.E. Suite 209, Atlanta, Georgia 30312 404.223.1111
Dr. Martin Luther King's Birth Home On January 15, 1929 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born and spent 12 years of his life at the registered national landmark
Ebenezer Baptist Church Founded in 1886 by Rev. John Parker. The home church of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr . 407 Auburn Avenue, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30312 Tel: (404) 688-7263 E-mail: ebenezer@bellsouth.net
First Congregational Church Founded 1847; along with northern missionaries church was instrumental in Founding Atlanta University; National Medical Association was founded here in 1890's; 105 Courtland St. 404-659-6255.
Georgia Coalition For The Peoples Agenda The Coalition is an organized group of representatives from all of the major civil
rights / human rights / peace & justice organizations and concerned citizens of the state of Georgia. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery is the Convener of this coalition. 100 Auburn Avenue
Georgia Coalition of Black Women The Georgia Coalition of Black Women, Inc. (GCBW) was founded in 1980 in Macon, An affiliate of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Coalition has worked to develop and strengthen relationships in the multi-cultural community. The organization sponsors conferences, workshops, and forums which are designed to encourage and support the participation of women, particularly, African American women, in the government and business sectors.
Historic District Development Corporation The Historic District Development Corporation ("HDDC") was organized in 1990 as a neighborhood-based community development corporation to rehabilitate and revitalize residential and commercial property in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Historic Site and Preservation District.
100 Black Men of America National HQ An organization designed to improve the quality of life for African-Americans and other minorities... empowering young people through mentoring, education, health & wellness and economic development programs. 141 Auburn Avenue (404) 688-5100
100 Black Men of Atlanta Founded in 1986, the group serves as role models for grade school-aged youth, often assuming roles similar to that of a father, friend or teacher. They formed the Collegiate 100, a group of local college students who help mentor, tutor and serve as role models for the youth. 100 Auburn Avenue
Hosea Williams Feed The Hungry When the "hunger crisis" first burst onto the national scene, everyone assumed that it would be short lived. Few assumptions have been so wrong. Hunger has become part of the American landscape. Now, nearly three decades later, 20 to 30 million Americans suffer the pains of hunger every day. Even more shocking is the finding of a 1993 study that nearly 43 percent of all emergency food clients were children under 17 years old. With the recent cuts in federal nutrition programs, some 2.6 million more people, including 1.1 million children, will join their ranks.
TRUE COLORS THEATRE COMPANY The name True Colors reflects a promise to search for truth and clarity. By understanding our true colors, we can better understand each other. We intend to be an important voice in the discussion of diversity, functioning as a moveable feast of theatre. We will explore plays and playwrights from various times, cultures and perspectives. We look forward to experiencing theatre with you, theatre that will bring us all together.
Youth Art Connection Boys and Girls Club Art Gallery. 63 Auburn Avenue., NE 404.614. 6233
fax 404.589.1545
Wheat Street Baptist Church Founded in 1869; named before Wheat Street was renamed Auburn Avenue; formerly Pastured by Rev. William Holmes Borders Sr. who was a major leader in the civil rights movement. 359 Auburn Ave., 404-659-4328
Integral Group Since its inception in 1993, Integral has developed a number of mixed-use communities across the nation that have resulted in great places to live, work, shop and play. The company has an ability to combine visionary leadership and collaboration to produce extraordinary community development outcomes.
King Center for Non-Violent Social Change Established in 1968 by Coretta Scott King, The King Center is the official, living memorial dedicated to the advancement of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., leader of Americas greatest nonviolent movement for justice, equality and peace.
MLK March / African African-American Renaissance Festival In celebrating the Martin Luther King National Birthday Holiday, a week of activities have been planned. The -March- is led each year by noted Grand Marshals (to be Announced)
The NAMES Project Foundation AIDS Memorial Quilt 101 Krog Street, Atlanta, GA 30307Phone: 404)688-5500 -Fax: (404)688-5552 - General email: info@aidsquilt.org
National Parks Service Visitor's Center The MLK Jr. National Park includes the visitors Center, the King Birth Home and the Center for Non-Violent Social Change.
National Black Arts Festival Every summer for more than a decade, Atlanta has become the gathering place for people from throughout the region, across the country and around the world. These people have one interest in common -- the art and artists of African descent. 659 Auburn Avenue, NE, Suite 254 404.730.7315 Fax: 404.730.7104 E-mail: info@nbaf.org
Odd Fellows Complex Buildings Originally built in 1913, the Odd Fellows complex was the center of business and entertainment. The Royal Theatre was located in the Annex. It was the only movie house where Blacks could be seated on the main floor. The Buildings were restored in the late 1980's and is has established the benchmark for redevelopment for the historical district. 236/250 Auburn Ave. 404.525.5027
Our Lady of Lourdes Founded in November 1912, by Fr. Ignatius Lissner with the assistance of Mr. J. J. Spalding, Our Lady of Lourdes was the first African-American Catholic church in Atlanta. St. Katherine Drexel also provided funds and sent the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament to staff the school. 25 Boulevard, NE 404.522.6776
Prince Hall Grand Lodge Built in 1941 by Atlanta's Black Masonic lodge; former HQ of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference: Women's SCLC next store; former home of WERD - nations first African-American radio station which was founded in the 1920's; 135 Auburn Ave 404-521-1358
Rainbow PUSH Coalition Herndon Plaza 100 Auburn Avenue, Suite 101 Atlanta, GA (404) 525-5663 Fax: (404) 525-5233 Email: gdavenport@rainbowpush.org
RENAISSANCE WALK AT SWEET AUBURN The Integral Group/ Destiny Development 158 Condominium Units 30,000 SF Retail.
Rucker Building Atlanta's first African American office building in 1904, constructed by businessman and politician Henry A.. Rucker artist haven begun moving into the facility; 158 - 160 Auburn Ave
Royal Peacock While there are several places in Atlanta featuring live entertainment, The Royal Peacock is still one of the most exciting night clubs. This legendary hot spot is still located at 186 Auburn Avenue in the historical Sweet Auburn district.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference National Headquarters The Southern Negro Leaders Conference on transportation and Nonviolent Integration is organized by sixty African-Americans from ten Southern States. The organizations name is later changed to the Southern Christian leadership Conference.
SCLC W.O.M.E.N... Inc. Women Organizational Movement for Equality Now was founded in 1979 at the suggestion of the SCLC Board of Directors. Mrs. Lowery, the organizations founder invited a small group of women to join in her home to develop the women's component of SCLC
Southern Education Foundation The Southern Education Foundation has a rich and proud history of bringing about positive change for minorities in the South. SEF was Formed in 1937 by the merger of four funds, the earliest of which dates back to 1867. Each fund was committed to developing educational opportunities for minorities and disadvantaged citizens following the Civil War.
Spirit of Sweet Auburn SOSA is a vibrant growing affiliation of people interested in the preservation and development of the Sweet Auburn, Atlanta's most Historical District. SOSA is providing dynamic, committed leadership to the task of preserving, rejuvenating and telling the story of the Heritage, History and Spirit of the Sweet Auburn Historical District.
StudioPlex Built in 1999 by the Historic District Development Corporation; 112 Artists and Technology lofts, showrooms and
performance center, Located on the eastern end of Auburn Avenue.
Sweet Auburn Curb Market Completely renovated and offering an amazing array of fresh fruit, meats, international
delicacies and a food court. 209 Edgewood Ave. 404-659-1665
TRINITY HOUSE - BIG BETHEL is a residential transitional program designed to serve homeless men (many with criminal backgrounds) with issues regarding drug dependency. As a result of Trinity House–Big Bethel’s treatment methods, 50% of those completing the program enter permanent housing. Click on the links below to learn more about this innovative program that has helped over 1,000 men regain control of their lives. (404) 222-0553 or via e-mail at barbarah@tcmatlanta.org .